Friday, January 20, 2017

And yet another tiny landscape in a very old frame!

Shortly after Christmas we visited my hometown of Monterey, and spent time wandering around the many landmarks of my childhood. Among them was the almost painfully cute (and very, very crowded) Carmel.  My mother was British, and I think because of this, she found the Monterey Adobes and the Carmel Mission very exotic and romantic,and we often walked around the Mission gardens when I was a child. I painted the Carmel Mission decades ago, but it is so famous that it's image is almost too familiar, so I then worked on other less well-known adobes in the Monterey area and beyond.  But a few weeks ago I found another even tinier antique frame with criss-cross corners - probably from around 1900 - and decided a little picture of this iconic building with fog streaming up the Carmel River valley behind it would suit it rather well...

Here it is in it's diminutive frame (only 2 1/2" x 4"). Oil on museum board, like the three other little landscapes in my last post. This might be as small as I can paint without a magnifying glass!

Romantic Landscape #4: Carmel Mission

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